
Growing Season

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I working very hard right now to up my production for this summer food season. Right now I have been waking up as early as 6am to prepare for the growing season. It starts with checking all of my plants health. Some of my seeds are just starting their growth while others have been growing for weeks. I am having to work with plants in all stages. I have a Basil plant that I cloned from a Pho' restaurant, I was so slick to pocket that plant because it will be so nice to have quality asian basil. I have watermelon and Melon growing in my cloner machine and dirt as well. I have tomato plants of different sizes growing under a mini green house. And I have ton of seeds that are starting up now. I am very excited about my outdoor starts also that are doing well, lettuces, Chard and Arugula. It will be a great year.



Urban Harvest Garden work party 4-30-11

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